Frequently Asked Questions for Incidental Games of Chance and Lotteries
- What are some examples of incidental games or lotteries that fall under the class licence?
A company organises their annual dinner and dance in Singapore. As part of the event, the company conducts a lucky draw for the dinner’s attendees. Such lottery falls under the class licence.
An organiser for an arts festival in Singapore, comprising performances, acts, or exhibitions, conducts a lucky draw for attendees of the arts festival. The lucky draw falls under the class licence.
- Who is eligible for this class licence?
An entity is eligible to conduct incidental games of chance or lotteries in the course of the conduct of a non-gambling event at any place in Singapore as a form of entertainment or amusement for participants attending (in person or otherwise) the non-gambling event.
“Entity" means:
- a body corporate (including a limited liability partnership);
- an unincorporated association;
- a partnership;
- a body of individuals who together form a body; or
- a person other than an individual.
- Do I need to apply for a class licence from GRA to conduct incidental games or lotteries?
You do not need to submit a licence application to GRA for a class licence. There is also no need to notify GRA before or after the conduct of an incidental game or lottery.
You will qualify as a class licensee and may proceed to conduct an incidental game of chance or lottery if you comply with all of the conditions for incidental games and lotteries prescribed in the Gambling Control (Minor Gambling — Class Licence) Order 2022.
As an example, one of the conditions is that there cannot be any fees collected from participants attending the non-gambling event to participate in the incidental game of chance or lottery (i.e., the entitlement to play the game of chance or participate in the lottery is free). Nonetheless, the entity is allowed to collect payment of an entrance fee or other fee to attend the non-gambling event.
Participants of the incidental game of chance or lottery must also be limited to the attendees of the non-gambling event.
For a complete list of the applicable conditions, you may wish to refer to the Gambling Control (Minor Gambling – Class Licence) Order 2022, which is accessible here.
- What are the possible modes to conduct an incidental game or lottery? Can it be conducted in a physical or remote setting (e.g. through a website)?
You may conduct an incidental game of chance or lottery in or from any place in Singapore in a physical setting (e.g., spinning a physical lucky draw wheel) or on a virtual platform (e.g., spinning a virtual lucky draw wheel or conducting a lucky draw via a live stream).
- Are there any restrictions to the prizes that I can give out as part of an incidental game or lottery? Can I give out cash, or cash equivalent as prizes?
There are no restrictions on the types of prizes that can be awarded.
- Am I allowed to advertise an incidental game or lottery?
You may advertise an incidental game of chance or lottery, as long as the information or material giving publicity to or promoting the game of chance or lottery does not portray the game of chance or lottery to be the primary inducement to attend the non-gambling event.
The publicity also must not contain or make reference in any way to any gambling article specified in the Second Schedule of the Gambling Control (Minor Gambling — Class Licence) Order 2022 found here.
- Are there any restrictions for incidental games or lotteries?
The incidental game or lottery that you conduct must not be or relate to any of the games specified in the First Schedule of the Gambling Control (Minor Gambling — Class Licence) Order 2022.
In addition, the game or lottery should not display or use any image of a gambling article specified in the Second Schedule of the Gambling Control (Minor Gambling — Class Licence) Order 2022. Some examples of these impermissible gambling articles include mahjong tiles, English playing cards and Roulette wheels.
The Gambling Control (Minor Gambling – Class Licence) Order 2022 may be accessible here.
- Am I allowed to apply for a waiver to conduct an incidental game or lottery if I am unable to comply with all the conditions in the class licence order?
There will be no waiver allowed for any of the class licence conditions.
Persons conducting any game or lottery that fail to meet the conditions for incidental gambling in paragraph 3 of the Gambling Control (Minor Gambling – Class Licence) Order 2022 (the “Order”) may be committing an offence under section 18(1) of the Gambling Control Act 2022.
Persons conducting incidental games or incidental lotteries in breach of the conditions in paragraph 4 of the Order may be liable for regulatory sanctions under Part 7 of the Gambling Control Act 2022.
- When is the class licence order for incidental games and lotteries effective from?
The class licence for incidental games of chance and lotteries has been effective since 1 February 2023.